Summit K5-5th Grade

This month in the Summit (K5-5th grade), we are discussing the virtue of Generosity- making someone's day by giving something away. The verse for the month is from 1 Tim. 6:18 "Be rich in good deeds. . .be generous and willing to share." We will be focusing on the following Bible stories: The parable of the rich man (Luke 12), the rich young ruler (Luke 18), birth of Jesus (Luke 2). In the preschool, we will be focusing on how God gave us his son, Jesus. The verse for the month is "God has given a son to us." Isaiah 9:6. We will be learning about the stories of: the angel and Mary (Luke 1), birth of Jesus (Luke 2), and the angels and shepherds (Luke 2). We will also have a service project for the month: Coats 4 Kids. We will have a drop off box at the RidgeKidz desk and you can bring a gently used jacket or coat to donate to a child in need. If you have questions, please contact Tanya @